Saturday, 1 April 2017


Masalah rambut? Kulit kepala?
Selamat tinggal.

Harini aku nak share dekat korang pasal produk spa ni, Tanamera. I've been using it for more than 3 months now and I can proudly say it is GREAT!!!!

For me, I have super dry and damaged hair from using comercial products. I mean, produk-produk biasa dekat supermarket tu yang berlambak kandungan bahan yang teruk. Been there, done that. Semua kesan buruk dia aku dah rasa.

First of all, the scalp cleanser. Syampu dia langsung tak keringkan rambut and bila aku ratakan dekat kulit kepala perghhhhh the feel u know. So moist and herbalike. Bau pun very niceeeee and relaxing.

Then the scalp & hair revitaliser as the conditioner. Both produk ni formulated untuk atasi rambut gugur and promotes pertumbuhan rambut. Huhu almaklumlah, dulu masalah kelemumur sampai rambut pun banyak gugur. Untuk produk ni aku nak tekankan yang the product is sUPER DUPER AMAZINGGGG!!!!

Ini bukan exaggarate but reality. Takde langsung masalah scalp irritation, back acne or whatsoever, it is the best. Dia restore balik everything after cleanse, balancekan ph, moisturise and all the good stuff babe.

My hair is so so so so so so so much better than before and Im thankful for that. The reason I blog pun because I wanna share it for those who has critical hair problems like me. Be strong ladies out there and know what u put on yourself. Wear the best, wear the organics.